TRAILER XL 2.0 for Bicycle, to transport loads on the Bike. It is a Small Trailer that attaches to the saddle tube of the bicycle and drags without effort. The Trailer has a width of 120 cm, while the internal width is 120 cm x 90 cm.
However, being a product that we make on commission, the dimensions can also be different. (ask for a quote for any changes)
Puo caricare fino a 160 Kg in Luoghi Privati. Il Gancio che si attacca al tubo sella èmolto particolare e permette di tenere snodato il Carrello rispetto alle torsione della Bicicletta in curva
It is a very useful bicycle accessory, for those who want to carry:
- Shopping or other things
- Crates of soft drinks or mineral water
- Waste to take to landfill
- Your Own Dog
- Children
The Cart can also be covered in wood and used as a tender for street vending, or it can be set up with a Fridge or even as a small Street Food Counter. It can also be combined with our Speedy model fiberglass counter
Internal Measurements Standard Version 120 x 90 x h 54
Load 160 Kg. Keep in mind that in Italy the road regulations allow 50 Kg on a bicycle trailer, but in Private Places it is possible,
It is possible to mount a Structure Frame for a Canopy / Awning (Which is OPTIONAL), in case you want to set it up with a Counter for Street Food or Street Food Sales.