BASIC ANHÄNGER FÜR STREET FOOD FAHRRÄDER. Es ist ein Anhänger, der an jedes Fahrrad oder Dreirad angeschlossen werden kann. Es muss noch aufgebaut werden und kann sowohl einen Kühlschrank als auch eine Kühlvitrine oder isothermische Container aufnehmen. Es gibt auch kleine 40-Liter-Kühlschränke mit vertikaler Öffnung, die mit Camping-Gasflaschen funktionieren, ohne dass schwere und teure Batteriesysteme gebaut werden müssen. .

TRAILER for Bicycle or Tricycle, with predispositions to insert a vertical opening refrigerator, or a refrigerated display case to expose the pizza toppings or any other food. Instead, insulated containers can be inserted to store food at low temperatures. It will be sufficient to insert into the containers some frozen eutectic plates, easily available in camping shops.

This Bicycle Trailer is an Optional Accessory very useful for those who carry out Street Food activities using a Tricycle or Street Food Bike.

The Trailer connects to the saddle tube of the bicycle and can be easily towed, solving the problem of space that is almost always limited on Street Food Bikes.

We present some photos of the BASIC trailer (not set up) connected to the Pizza Bike with wood oven.

Possibility to choose between various colors
- 40 liter FRIDGE that works from + 6 ° c to -18 ° c with 12V and 220 V battery
- 40 liter FRIDGE that works at positive temperatures at 12V and 220V or with GAS with integrated camping canister
- 220V 16 A electrical panel
- 12v gel battery with 220v battery charger
- Inverter to transform the 12V of the Battery into 220V and power the Chillers
- FLEXIBLE SOLAR PANEL and Battery Charging system that allows you to extend the autonomy of the Fridge and Refrigerated Showcase by several hours
Many other solutions are available for Street Food. Call +39 345 5055803 for more information.
For transport and shipping, we must request a specific quotation, based on the destination and the type of packaging
IMPORTANT: The Transport Costs automatically calculated by our site and loaded on the order value, refer to transport in Italy. There may be EXTRA costs for some locations and for foreign countries. For the shipping cost, we need to request a quote based on your postal code.
If you have ordered this model, please contact +39 348 3887456 to find out, based on your postcode, what the exact costs of transport are. The Extra will be requested with PAY PAL connection addressed to your e-mail. If you wish to cancel your order, contact the same number and the refund will be made shortly.
Thank you
For the shipping cost, we need to request a quote based on your postal code. For the quotation of transport you can contact +39 345 5055803.